
I'm OK on backups and I tried starting over with iTunes, and reimporting some files and there are still no dates. I'll start fresh again with this when I have another block of time, which may be soon if it keeps getting hot and steamy out. Again, because of the filing methods I've adopted, the lack of dates has become more of an irritation/curiosity than a need. I'll get to the bottom of it eventually.

You are right. I did do something to show hidden files months ago, and then got distracted and forgot about it. I remembered that last night after I mentioned it here.

b_s-wilk wrote:
Back up your iTunes library: File-->Library-->Back up to Disk, and Export Playlist

Move and rename the original iTunes library file [database]. Then reimport your music. The easiest way to do this is to drag and drop the iTunes music folder into the Music library in the program. Don't do all of the 11000+ files at a time. Try a few hundred at a time, then work up to 1000 or more. Or you can do it in the File-->Add to Library dialog box.

You shouldn't see the .DS_Store file. It's supposed to be invisible. It stores metadata about contents of a folder. Are you using any of the utilities that make invisible files visible? [OnyX, TinkerTool, etc.; playing with the Terminal] If you are, those utilities can also create mischief in the Finder if you don't know exactly what they're supposed to be doing [RTFM]. Did you restore your HD recently?

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