I use my iPods almost exclusively for audiobooks. My method for ensuring proper sequencing is:

In iTunes preferences, for the When insert CD option, I chose Show CD (instead of start importing). Then if the CDDB database doesn't have the tracks and/or disks differentiated, I select all and, with Get Info, name the album, Book Name nn, author as the artist, and, Books and Spoken as Genre. Then hit the Import CD button.
Each track can now have the track nn name, but be grouped in CD order.
When you make your playlist, the albums will be in CD order under the author (block select, drag and drop to playlist).

Also, if more than 9 CDs, be sure to number, 01, 02, etc, so that you don't have 10, 11, etc, between 1 and 2.

Jordan wrote:
I have loaded books on CDs into iTunes. Many of them have dozens or even a hundred tracks on each CD, and a book might be 10 or 15 CDs long. These audio files typically have a name like Track 1, Track 2, and so on, there are no differentiating titles, up to 25 or 99. So when I first loaded up a book I'd have 15 tracks called track 1, and 15 called track 2 and so on, and I quickly discovered that iTunes could get confused about the order of these apparently identical files. It becomes a long and convoluted story, but you get the picture that if iTunes can't order these files by time added, you'd have little chance of understanding the book. And I'm not even going to get into what iTunes does to the organizing of these file if you look for them in Finder. In case anyone finds this interesting, I've since learned that you can load a CD into iTunes and then make a single bookmarkable file of the whole disk, or disc. When you are loading the disc, select Advanced/Join CD Tracks.

I hope this makes sense.

mike wrote:
Just wondering, why do you want to know added and mod dates?  I've never
shown either of these columns in itunes, but today I did.  Date added of
course is the date added to itunes..but date mod is the date my system
modified the file, not itunes.  Seems odd.

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