Quoting Jordan <jor17...@gmail.com>:


I do or have done some of what you describe. As I've said the joining
files eliminates the multitude of tiny files, and adding names and
labels in the various categories will keep things totally clear.
I also take a step that takes the location of these files out of iTunes
hands. For each book I create a folder and in
iTunes/preferences/advanced, put the book in that folder. Then iTunes
can't spread the files all over the place in unnamed folders.

But iTunes doesn't just toss things into a big pile. Tome, it actually does a pretty good job of organizing files.

If you let iTunes manage the library, it stores the files as:

"iTunes Music\Artist\Album\TT Track.m4a" (TT being track number)

If there are multiple disks to an album, it adds DD (disk number) before TT,so it'd be "DD TT Track"

If you don't give it an artist name, it goes into the "Unknown Artist" folder. No album name, goes into the "Unknown Album" folder within that artists folder.

If you decide to take Betty's(?) advise and build a new iTunes library, change your prefs for the first batch to let iTunes manage the files and see if you like it. It won't delete your originals, it'll copy them to the default folder (usually "iTunes Music" [which can also be changed in preferences {mine resides on an external drive}]).

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