On 16/09/2009, at 1:32 PM, MEM wrote:
> 2)
> Any clue to the fact that the background image isn't displaying on  
> the menu
> on ie6 and ie7 ?

Did you not get the repeated messages where I said that the links  
needed layout?

Here is what I said: "Also, I think I said before that you should give  
the links layout (e.g. with zoom: 1) in the IE stylesheet. That way  
they will take up the full vertical space."

> Btw,
> @Tim:
> I will change the background color and image on one line. (both are
> required).
> I'm not seen any need for zoom right now, however, I have tried to  
> applied

You do need zoom: 1 (or some other hasLayout trigger) to give the  
links layout so that they take up the full height and you can see the  
background image.

> that on my ie_6 only css, however, I get a validation error about zoom
> property.

That's why I always suggest putting zoom: 1 in an IE stylesheet. IE  
gets what it deserves. The other option is to give the element layout  
using another method.

> But the point is to give layout to navigation right? Maybe I could  
> just
> apply a clear fix on the parent no?

The point is to give layout to the links! By links I mean <a> elements  
inside #mainMenu.

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