Mark Henderson wrote:
> MEM wrote:
>> My directory structure is:
>> + rebelatehome
>>   + css
>>       - home8.css
>>   + images
>>       - hover.png
>>   + js
>> So, if the css is inside css directory, to go to images directory from the
>> css file, we have to, up one level:
>> " ../ " enter one level /images/ and access the image: "hover.png".
>> Hence, the relative path:
>> "../images/hover.png should be correct.
> Márcio,
> Your understanding and explanation above is correct, and hence your paths are 
> also correct. I can see all background images, including the hover, although 
> it is very faint and hardly distinguishable from the red background you also 
> have in place. Checked in IE8 and FF3.
> Mark

Hello Mark and Márcio,

You are both correct. While editing CSS with the FF Web Developers 
Toolbar hundreds of times, I have observed where background images 
disappeared (which I could not understand) and have overcome it by 
inserting the full URL for testing purposes.

It seems that FF Web Developers Toolbar (WDT) make the CSS parallel to 
the location of where the HTML page is, thus altering the path to the 
correct directory. Something like this.

                       home8.css <-- moved lower by WDT.
       ../      images/hover.png <-- path in WDT.

And by me changing the path to this in the WDT.



Shows the image in FF.

I have now demonstrated my ignorances with certain things. :-)

Now one thing is still unclear to me. Has the issue with the page been 


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