> I do not know if this is the case. Saying that giving layout to IE7- on
> an anchor to *give it full height* is completely wrong. The true
> rendered height of an anchor is due to either,
> 1. A height (20px or 2em) directly given to the element.
> 2. A height (100%) given to an element which relates to the height of
> the parent element.
> 3. A height due to its contents height, either a descended element or
> anonymous line boxes (text).
> Another layout trigger is this.
> a {height:1%;}
> This height is not used by any browser if the parent element does not
> have a height itself (see point 2. above) but because height is a
> layout
> trigger [1], then the element has layout according to IE7-.

Thanks for the clarification. That was the reason why I exposed my thoughts
after uploading. 
So, let's see if I get this, when we have:


#mainMenu a

I'm not declaring any height to the anchor: mainMenu a . So, option 1) is
I'm not even telling the mainMenu anchor to grab 100% of the parent (the
60px). So option 2) is out. 

When I give layout to mainMenu a, and mainMenu a has a background image, we
are on condition 3) pointed above. Is this correct?


> I still have not even got to the point of helping you understand the
> difference between :active, :focus or outline (test case coming) so I
> wouldn't know if the problem is due to an element *without layout*.

:s, I miss the point here.  Even on the cases where hover isn't properly
supported, it still is a layout issue no? 
>"A link *without layout* sometimes doesn't support a:hover correctly."

>Please correct the URL paths in your CSS to point to the correct 
>directory and you will have the background image of your links working. 

The path is correct I believe, since the path on my css is relative to the
images directory and not to the documents root directory. 
Are you unable to see the background images on hover?

Thanks in advance,

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