> Note the added directory. ../*rebelatehome*/images/hover.png

Well Alan, this is really odd, since, even on other computers, I still see
the background.
However if I change the path to the above
(../rebelatehome/images/hover.png), *no background image is showed*. 

My directory structure is:
+ rebelatehome
  + css
      - home8.css
  + images
      - hover.png
  + js

So, if the css is inside css directory, to go to images directory from the
css file, we have to, up one level: 
" ../ " enter one level /images/ and access the image: "hover.png". 
Hence, the relative path:
"../images/hover.png should be correct.

If I do:
"../rebelate/images/hover.png" the path, that will start from the css file
location, will point to:

+ rebelatehome
  + rebelatehome
    + images
       - hover.png

However this path, I can guarantee you, doesn't exist, and actually,
hopefully for me, I get nothing displayed on this side.

Can anyone else confirm if, on this page:

we are able to see the following image:


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