MEM wrote:

> I understand that the "not displaying of the background images" were not
> related with the not acceptance of the image, or the unsupported property
> for some reason, or conflict, or any other thing, now, and only now, I can
> understand that, we give zoom to give full height and, this means that, by
> giving full height the background images will appear. 

I do not know if this is the case. Saying that giving layout to IE7- on 
an anchor to *give it full height* is completely wrong. The true 
rendered height of an anchor is due to either,

1. A height (20px or 2em) directly given to the element.

2. A height (100%) given to an element which relates to the height of 
the parent element.

3. A height due to its contents height, either a descended element or 
anonymous line boxes (text).

Another layout trigger is this.

a {height:1%;}

This height is not used by any browser if the parent element does not 
have a height itself (see point 2. above) but because height is a layout 
trigger [1], then the element has layout according to IE7-.

Another way to understand hasLayout for IE7- is to imagine that each 
element within a document has a wire that is attached to a *switch box* 
which in turn is connected to a *power generator*. When you flip a 
switch, a charge of *electrical current* is supplied to a particular 
element which make it stand to attention.

Another way to understand it is that an element without layout is like a 
human body without a skeleton.

Here are some examples of elements with layout or no layout. Test in IE6 
or IE7 against any good browser.



compared to





Depending on the conditions (styles, etc.) or structure of a document 
each of these methods can be used to give layout to an element without 
affecting the rendering in compliant browsers.

a {zoom: 1;} /* Does not validate */

a {height: 1%;}

a {min-height: 1%;} /* For IE7 only */

a {width: 100%;}

a {overflow: hidden;} /* For IE7 only */

a {overflow: auto;} /* For IE7 only */

I still have not even got to the point of helping you understand the 
difference between :active, :focus or outline (test case coming) so I 
wouldn't know if the problem is due to an element *without layout*.

1. <>


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