Hello Mike,

> Some people insist that if it is not chocolate, it is not ice cream.

> The art is in SQL, not the engine.

> Be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water.
> :o)

I took my baby out of the cold water, now I'm using postgreSQL for my
private business because I was always very unhappy with MySQL.

Since I'm working in a company which is developing customized database
applications I can tell you that everything but Oracle (and Sybase for
smaller applications) is bullshit.  It was said that MS SQL server has
also the abilities nowadays to serve a real enterprise database and a
friend told me that they are running DB2 because it is faster than
Oracle, but hey they need to use it on their IBM servers because there
are no other databases supported. 

And someone said that postgreSQL is an enterprise level database
server, I never heard someone saying that MySQL is enterprise level.

MysQL even doesn't support the full SQL syntax, so what do you mean
with 'art'?  The art of hacking around the lack of features???

So long,

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