
> > The art is in SQL, not the engine.

Definitely not - if your engine doesn't support p.e. transactions that's
it, even the most clever application and developer can't do anything to
get a transaction safe program.

> Since I'm working in a company which is developing customized database
> applications I can tell you that everything but Oracle (and Sybase for
> smaller applications) is bullshit.

If that's what you tell your customers I hope they ask other companies
too. As always there's no generalization possible, every database has

There's nothing faster than MySQL if you have simple readonly queries.

> MysQL even doesn't support the full SQL syntax

Yes MySQL shouldn't be called a SQL database.

Btw: PostgreSQL doesn't support the full syntax too but supports all

Nevertheless lot of people use MySQL and 4.1 with InnoDB tables is fully
ACID compliant, knows subselects and foreign key constraints.
There are still features missing but who cares if we don't need them?
I wouldn't ever use MySQL for software like dbmail (probably as many
write as read operations or even more) anyhow dbmail should support as
many databases as possible. By supporting MySQL (4.1 with InnoDB tables)
there is no disadvantage for other databases.

So we shouldn't make MySQL user nervous and stop this discussion.

I have one question left: I have a project with a very low budget
(because it's private) and need a database with multimaster
synchronisation, what should I use?

http://www.tmueller.com for pgp key (95702B3B)

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