Hello Sumbry][,

Am Montag, 4. Oktober 2004 um 18:18 schriebst du:

>> > MysQL even doesn't support the full SQL syntax
>> Yes MySQL shouldn't be called a SQL database.

> Glorified File System?



> I'm only trying to illustrate a point - there's things we could be doing
> w/a postgres only backed dbmail that would blow us all away.. but
> if we did that we'd be the only ones using it.  You don't gain more
> users by ignorining the biggest kid on the block.

No.  I don't believe so.  As long as a 'database' like MySQL is
supported, they will use it and they'll never get the idea that
another server may be better.  But why should a user who has
experience with MySQL and SQL in general should fear to install
another database server?

My point is that dbmail is unusable like it is, I have a really fast
P4 server and I'm running dbmail with postgres, that works ok, though
retrieving mail via imap is somewhat slow,  and I have also an old P3
with only 700MHz where it is not possible to use dbmail / postgres /
imapd + client at the same time because of performance issues.


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