Hi Ryan,

I've lost the thread on how this addresses Cory's original problem
statement, if you could spell that out that'd be very helpful.


On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Ryan Sleevi <r...@sleevi.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Peter Gutmann <pgut...@cs.auckland.ac.nz>
> wrote:
>> Ryan Sleevi <r...@sleevi.com> writes:
>> >I can't help but feel you're raising concerns that aren't relevant.
>> CAs issue roots with effectively infinite (20 to 40-year) lifetimes
>> because
>> it's too painful to do otherwise.  You're proposing instead:
> That's not an appropriate summary of the issues, but equally, as I already
> described, and perhaps could work through with you if you had further
> questions (rather than criticisms), that the 'too painful' scenario is
> still meaningfully addressed.
>>   require that all CAs must generate (new) roots on some interval (e.g. 3
>>   years) for inclusion.
>> (that's quoted from the original message I replied to).  How do you
>> propose
>> that Mozilla is going to get every commercial CA on earth to do this?
> The same way we in the Mozilla community have made progress for the past
> decade - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/
> security-group/certs/policy/
> It's fairly easy to submit PRs to https://github.com/mozilla/pkipolicy
> and discuss. Perhaps we can discuss the substance of the proposal, and work
> through any confusion or misunderstanding, rather than suggesting it's not
> possible because it's hard (of which both are not correct)
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