While the internet is moderately good at handling a single cross-sign
(modulo the challenges we had with 1024-bit root deprecation due to a bug
in OpenSSL's path building -- now fixed), as we extend the chains, it seems
evident to me that server operators are unlikely to configure their servers
to serve a chain which works on all clients -- the likely result is clients
will need AIA chasing. Most (all?) non-browsers do not implement AIA
chasing. This isn't an objection, just a flag and a potential action item
on the "non-browser" side of this.


On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Rob Stradling <rob.stradl...@comodo.com>

> On 16/05/17 14:45, Doug Beattie via dev-security-policy wrote:
>> Ryan,
>> If you look at the wide range of user agents accessing google.com today
>> you'd see many legacy applications and older versions of browsers and
>> custom browsers built from variants of the commercial browsers.  By the
>> time all/most users upgraded to new browsers, it would be time to change
>> the roots out again and this will impact the ability for web site operators
>> to enable TLS for all visitors.
>> Before we can implement a short Root usage policy we'd need to convince
>> all browsers to follow a process for rapid updates of root stores.
> Hi Doug.
> Imagine a root cert A, valid for a short duration; and a root cert B,
> valid for a long duration.
> Under Ryan's proposal, Mozilla would put A (but not B) in NSS, whereas
> other less agile root stores would contain B.
> A doesn't have to be in every root store, because B can cross-certify A.
> (Let's call the cross-certificate A').
> A widely compatible cert chain would therefore look like this:
> B -> A' -> Intermediate -> Leaf
> If you're already cross-certifying from an older root C, then an even more
> widely compatible cert chain would look like this:
> C -> B' -> A' -> Intermediate -> Leaf
> --
> Rob Stradling
> Senior Research & Development Scientist
> COMODO - Creating Trust Online
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