Matt Benson wrote:

--- Martijn Kruithof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Apart from the variands A and B further below, would
the following also work?

<project name="foo" default="bar">

<resourcecollection id="blah" xmlns="ant:set">
      <files dir="foo" name="**/*.java"/>
      <date select="newer" date="2005/04/15"/>


or would this mean that the resoursecollection must
be part of set itself?

As I understand it, yes, because the xmlns was
declared on the resourcecollection element. I am
having a hard time following your exact example here
because I'm not sure how you are imagining the
ResourceCollections to look, while I know what they
look like. :)

I'll use your example below to ask what will be (im)possible

I don't see that the ResourceCollections themselves
need a namespace.

The question is not whether the resourcecollection themselve need a namespace, but if it would be allowed to address elements from the same namespace, so that the default namespace declaration would work for the entire nested set of elements, including the element itself.

I have modified FileSet and similar
existing types to implement ResourceCollection. Really the whole problem goes back to and/or/not, etc.
"The Princess and the Pea." Anyway, I translate your
example above as:

<project xmlns:rs="ant:resourceselectors">
 <restrict><!-- ResourceCollection type -->
   <!-- FileCollection aka files has no basedir -->
   <files name="${basedir}/foo/**/*.java" />
   <!-- haven't written this selector yet; here
        mimicked date FileSelector -->
   <rs:date when="after" datetime="2005/04/15"
            pattern="yyyy/MM/dd" />

Why would the date have the rs namespace and the files not, both are used inside the resourcecollection?

Does that make sense?


So now up to the alternatives using the names of above example (Same letter means equivalent in XML):
A1 (shameless copy from above)

<project xmlns:rs="ant:resourceselectors">
<files name="${basedir}/foo/**/*.java" />
<rs:date when="after" datetime="2005/04/15" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd" />


   <files name="${basedir}/foo/**/*.java" />
   <date when="after" datetime="2005/04/15"
            pattern="yyyy/MM/dd" xmlns="ant:resourceselectors"/>

B1 (difference files allowed / mandated to be in rs namespace)

<project xmlns:rs="ant:resourceselectors">
<rs:files name="${basedir}/foo/**/*.java" />
<rs:date when="after" datetime="2005/04/15" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd" />


   <files name="${basedir}/foo/**/*.java" xmlns="ant:resourceselectors"/>
   <date when="after" datetime="2005/04/15"
            pattern="yyyy/MM/dd" xmlns="ant:resourceselectors"/>

C1 (difference now allos restric allowed / mandated to be in rs namespace, maybe a better name would in that case be resourcecollections)

<project xmlns:rs="ant:resourceselectors">
<rs:files name="${basedir}/foo/**/*.java" />
<rs:date when="after" datetime="2005/04/15" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd" />


<restrict xmlns="ant:resourceselectors">
<files name="${basedir}/foo/**/*.java" />
<date when="after" datetime="2005/04/15" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd" />

D: (no namespace at all, with the danger and problems of clashes, extensively discuussed before.)

<files name="${basedir}/foo/**/*.java" />
<date when="after" datetime="2005/04/15" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd" />

Are there any other variations possible, are variant A-D feasible, and what is best. (I'd currently say B or C)


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