F Wolff ha scritto:
> Open your text file in OOo Calc as a CSV file and choose "tab" as the
> delimiter. Save it as a normal CSV file (comma seperated) and then you
> can convert it to PO using csv2po from the translate toolkit. Here is
> the documentation for that:
> http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/csv2po
>> I have another question: how would Pootle manage two entries with two
>> different translations, such as "frame" above?
>> Ale.
> It should suggest both. Note that (in the current implementation) the
> target field (msgstr) of the terminology files are considered free form,
> so you are free to add something like "frame (verb)" or "cornice (noun)"
> to help the translators.

I'm still having trouble with this... :o(

I've done what you suggested above and I got a csv text with two
tab-separated columns, one with the English text and the next with the
Italian translation:

"semi bold"     "semigrassetto"
"semi light"    "semileggero"
"semiautomatic" "semiautomatico"
"semibold"      "semigrassetto"
"semicolon"     "punto e virgola"
"semicondensed" "semi compatto"
"semiexpanded"  "semiespanso"
"semilight"     "semichiaro"

If I run the csv2po command, the po file is not created. I've tried
running the csv2po on the single file and on a directory. Here's the output:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ ls csv/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ ls po/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ csv2po csv/ po/
DeprecationWarning: The sre module is deprecated, please import re.
  import sre
processing 1 files...
[###########################################] 100%
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ ls po/

What am I doing wrong?


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