This is why I asked not that long ago about
Software-Hardware-Support-Compatibility-Matrix.. this would be really
big table with hardware boards in columns and features in rows with
green marks (or +1) where full support is confirmed, yellow (or 0)
meaning work-in-progress, red (or -1) meaning no support or known

According to that Compatibility Matrix it would be possible to create
proof-based configurations to build, and builds would prove the

To be honest I have no idea how that could be implemented in such a
complex project as NuttX with all those possible configurations.. that
would really require big CI automation and I am not really familiar
with GH CI yet maybe this is possible.. does GH charge $ for this CI
operations? :-)

When working for ARM at mbed they had this big wall of boards and such
tests were performed not only at build stage but also on a real
hardware.. each board had DAPLink that allowed flashing and serial
port shell that executed some test scripts :-)


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