Am 31.05.20 um 02:41 schrieb Keith N. McKenna:

Another would be to use Docbook, though this is not as appealing as I
have no familiarity with it and it appears that there is a steep
learning curve to its use and that would be a disadvantage to attracting
new people.

The SUSE documenters use(d) Docbook to create multiple targets for documentation.

They presented their way on FOSDEM in 2017, for LO. It was very interesting. But I dont know if they stick to it, because LO shifted all documentation into the web.

And created a Platform similar to pootle. (I never looked at it, just what I picked up from my FOSDEM visits)

I look forward to any other suggestions that could move this effort
along as it has languished for far to long.

IMHO the first step is to create a plan. Dividing the plan into work packages that can be promoted is important.

Because all people who expressed interest expected they are told what needs to be done where. They did not felt

comfortable to figure that out on their own.

Also socializing seems to be important. The volunteers do not want to work "alone". They want to be part of something.

How it is done, did not seem so important to me on first spot.

I just want to point out, since I had multiple discussions now. ProOOBox (Jörg care to share some details?) is working on a documentation update.

Integrating them would be very nice from my stand point.

That is my experience from Recruiting and AOO ComDev efforts I have been involved in.



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