As discussed I changed royale-config.xml to list all of our SWCs except for 
MXRoyale and SparkRoyale, and changed flex-config.xml to use all SWCs and have 
different default classes such as instead of  I think Carlos has the only project using 
MXRoyale and Jewel and maybe some Basic so neither config is set up exactly for 
his needs.  Since all configuration is theoretically overridable as compiler 
options, he should have been able to get going by specifying what SWCs he wants 
to use.

He said he wasn't able to do that, so he committed a change that went back to 
using a wildcard in royale-config.xml and thus pull in all SWCs and 
re-introduce the problem.  That doesn't make any technical sense to me and 
brought back the CSS problem that was affecting folks like you.  So I asked him 
to revert his wildcard change and so far, he hasn't and instead he started in 
on how I am seeking special treatment.


On 11/28/18, 7:19 PM, "Harbs" <> wrote:

    I’m still not following.
    What did you change and what was the issue that Carlos hit? Am I correct 
that you were fixing the problem that MXRoyale was overriding the Basic CSS?
    What exactly was the fix and why was it causing problems?
    > On Nov 28, 2018, at 5:21 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
    > Carlos reverted a commit I made without technical justification and 
refuses to put back my changes when I asked, instead saying I was acting like I 
should have special treatment.  Apparently, Carlos couldn't compile his app 
even though all of our examples build just fine.   I've tried to help, but 
cannot get solid data from Carlos.
    > Somehow Dave Fisher thinks is ok for Carlos to act like that.  I think it 
sets a dangerous precedent to have committers revert other people's changes 
without technical justification, and also a bad precedent to allow people to 
basically call people names when they disagree about something.
    > -Alex
    > On 11/27/18, 4:52 PM, "Harbs" <> wrote:
    >    I have not been following the list very well the last week plus. (I’ve 
been busy with some personal things.)
    >    I’m not following the issues here. What was changed, and what’s the 
issue here?

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