Thanks Wendy, that's what I needed to hear. So far, I haven't heard any -1 type objections, so I'll take your advice and try the reorg on that other svn site.

When I have it working correctly, I suppose I'll call for the vote. This would be a significant change, and honestly, I thought there'd be a lot more resistance :) Not that I'm complaining....


Wendy Smoak wrote:
On 3/20/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Certainly correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't this proposal more or
less do away with the idea of offering finer grained jar files?

I think the separate jars are still a good idea, so that developers
can choose what they want to include in their applications.  A recent
thread on the WebWork user forum brought up a similar issue, and it
sounds like WW is also going to be offering separate jars in addition
to the single one with everything.  Since the sub-projects are already
separated, there's nothing to be gained from re-consolidating the

Back to Don's original question, I don't think this change would be
too difficult.  The build doesn't know about the 'trunk' directories
and if we were to just 'svn mv' it, should work as-is under 'action'
the same as it now works under 'current'.

Then we would just need to find something to make what in m2 terms is
an 'assembly,' to contain whatever we're going to include in the
release.  It looks lke the next version of the m1 distribution plugin
has 'dist:multiproject'.

It could also be done in maven.xml, but using a plugin would be
better.  Along the way it would be nice to make a few changes, such as
dropping the svn:external 'build' directory and nudging things into a
more consistent structure.

I'm in favor of the proposal, but I probably won't be able to work on
it for a while.  I'll help, though, if someone else wants to get
started.  It might be a good idea to try it in the test repo
( first.


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