
> >Of course Mitel does do a lot of development that we don't
> > see.  It would be nice however if they stepped in and filled the devinfo
> > support gap, since in the end, we_will_all_benefit.
> I couldn't agree more.  This is the heart of GNU software development and
> one of the primary reasons I dumped my Win NT server and moved to GNU
> solutions.  I always enjoy mixing it up with the developers and digging in
> and trying to help where I can.  In the end, everyone benefits and you wind
> up with better software.  I don't think Linux would even be in existence
> today if groups like this didn't exist.

Exactly.  Which is why we operate as an open source group. It is why
we operate these mailing lists, provide the web bulletin boards, the
online documentation, ftp site and so much more. (And there will still
be more information being made available as time and resources permit.)
All of it has consumed a significant amount of time/energy/resources
over time, but we believe it too important NOT to do.

If you look at the history of the development team and others like
myself, you will find that pretty much all of us are hard-core open
source believers and advocates.  That is why we are here - and that is
why we are dedicated to supporting and nurturing an open developer
community.  We have always worked to make our base server product easy
and simple to customize, so that you all can use it and extend it to
solve the needs that you have.

Having said that, there is also the reality that Mitel does not pay
us simply to develop stuff that we give away for free, so we do need
our developers to work on ServiceLink, customizations and other products
that do generate revenue.  And, of course, they are working on
enhancements for the next version of the product.  There is a whole lot
to do, and never enough people to do it all.  I watch our development
team working *extremely* hard and they keep creating what I find to be
a rock-solid and fantastic product.  And there is even more to come...

I know that many of them would like to participate even more in the
wider developer community, but there are only so many hours in the day...
in spite of that, you still see people like Gordon and Charlie and
others posting here at all different times and as often as they can.

> > Certainly would be nice if Mitel saw the value and benefit in working
> > with us.
> Agreed.  They are getting a very capable and captive group of individuals to
> test run their stuff for free.  How can that be bad business??

It isn't.  It is *good* business.  Which is why we always have been and
will be committed to maintain our base product as open source and
do all that we can within our own resource limits to support and
nurture a developer community.  Having spent a long time in the Linux
community, I know of very few for-profit companies that are doing
more than we are to support an open source developer community. (And
some of the ones that were/are doing more are... well... experiencing
a whole lot of financial issues and/or shutting down. :-(

So we are with you - and trying to do all that we can.


Dan York, Director of Training, Network Server Solutions Group
Mitel Networks Corporation                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ph: +1-613-751-4401 Cell: +1-613-263-4312 Fax: +1-613-564-7739 
150 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1500, Ottawa,ON K2P 1P1 Canada           

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