I like the idea of FAQ and Wikis.

Wouldn't forcing the posts with all caps to be rewritten be equivalent
to forcing the new posts to be delayed? In both cases, we are
detecting behaviours that are recognized as "noise" and disallowing
such behaviours. In your case, we would use pattern recognition, and
in my case, we would simply assume that all posts are potential source
of "noise".

I understand your argument and respect your input, but to me it seems
like your idea is fundamentally equivalent to mine; only difference is
what we consider "noise".

So far, my model is to
1. upon posting, ask for the title first
2. search the title and present the results
3. if the poster isn't interested in the results, let him/her post
4. if the post body is recognized as "noise"(too many caps, etc),
reject the post
5. the post isn't publicized until the poster comes back in a few
hours and reconfirms it
6. other users can flag the posts as "redundant" or "rude" so that
moderators can act upon it
7. create a wiki and FAQ
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