Sorry I'm a little late to the discussion.

Regarding FAQ's: If someone is a producer of some kind of technology  
(software, hardware, gardening tools, whatever), they really should  
be reading the FAQ's for their own product; if dozens of people are  
asking over and over again how to do something that should in theory  
be simple, that might just be a hint that something in the design of  
their product needs to change.

Instead of asking

"How do we get people to stop asking the same question about how to  
add ringtones to their RAZR?"

Perhaps we should go one step further and ask:

"Why are so many people asking the same question about how to add  
ringtones to their RAZR?"

Perhaps mailing lists might just qualify as a quasi-ethnographic  
study tool.

On Mar 27, 2008, at 11:22 AM, Calvin Park 박상빈 wrote:

>> I question the initial premise of this post; is Trolling a problem  
>> on this
>>  list, (specifically individuals Trolling, with no malice - #3)?
> For some cases, it can be a problem. For example, I enjoy going to
> which is a cellphone hacking community. That forum
> suffers greatly from new members asking HOW DO I ADD FREE RINGTONES TO
> MY NEW RAZR THX I'm not even joking about the caps
> and the tone of the voice either. Questions like this has been
> answered at least 20 times, and at this point, the question serves no
> value but degrading the signal to noise ratio. It makes the site
> harder to use because of the useless information like that, and it
> eventually renders the site useless.
> I understand where the members of this mailing list is coming from
> when you say "respect the new users", but in some cases, new users
> must be forced to search unless you want your site to end up in a pile
> of junk.
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Ilan Volow
"Implicit code is inherently evil, and here's the reason why:"

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