>> This is a MAILING LIST not a FORUM.

Well, the two really are one in the same, the way we've positioned it. This
is a Community of Practice, which happens to have a mailing list as one of
its touch points. We're working more and more to blend the web version and
the mailing list together, so people of all digital lifestyles can jack into
all of these lovely threads ...

I do think all this talk of treating people as "newbies" is a bit elitist.
Let's face it: in the larger context of the design community, we're all
newbies. I agree with the sentiments of guiding new members to older
answers, but not with banning them or spanking them into submission. I mean,
we just did away with our list's nanny ... Besides, as someone said in this
thread before, sometimes it makes sense to re-awaken old topics. But not
anything that asks us to define UCD. Yeesh. Heck, I might just ban anyone
that posts a message like that myself.

OMG, please, whoever threw that tomato in my direction, I was only kidding.
Ask us about UCD all you want ... we'll just hold back and politely point
you to the plethora of threads from the past ... right? RIGHT??


- Nasir
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