Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:
If the title in the software world is going to be called "interaction design" then that person needs to know these hard skills:

Interesting list. I can think of a number of graduating seniors here who can handle 2/3 of your list pretty well and who are catching up on the rest of the list.

The one exception:
* Understand how algorithms, code, frameworks, databases and other software engineering aspects of the product work under the hood

I think this is a set of knowledge that rarely gets distributed outside of the computer science classroom. CMU teaches an intro-to-programming class (15-100) in Java and has recently added a section taught in Processing by Golan Levin. I've talked to a couple of seriously non-technical/artsy types who took it and came out with a vague understanding of how computers actually work and, more importantly, the desire to learn more about what they can do using code as a tool.

But it's certainly not a required class for ixd and it's a risky class to take as an elective as it can fuck up you GPA.

J. Eric "jet" Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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