Patrick, I think what Chris, Andrei and I are saying is that hiring
tomorrow will not be like hiring from today.


I disagree. While some of the new grads may have all of the skills
listed, that list is fairly daunting for the majority of the IX/UX

This is an issue that I've seen in the past where they had to
separate my role into two roles because they couldn't find anyone
who had the skills that I had from a technical standpoint, and this
was actually something that my manager said to me, that it was almost
too hard to set up a team that was oriented this way: to hire people
that had all of those skills, because they were too expensive, or too
hard to find.

Again, it's how large of an agency you decide the build, and the
culture. Most of the agencies I've walked into or worked with could
never go with the model of hiring ONLY people with ALL those skills,
because they would soon be out of business because they couldn't
scale. A business decision vs. a resource decision.


Personally, if you are hiring, I'd look to hire new grads more than
experienced folks, IMHO depending on the size of your team and your
current league of managers. 


This is hard. If you're working for an agency, The clients expect to
have great talent, thus making it hard to bring someone in to train.
If you're working for a company, most companies don't have UX teams
large enough to support this.


I can fly through Visio, Omnigraffle, InDesign. The trouble with most
of the interactive applications like Flash is that they are becoming
more and not less complex (Actionscript 3). I don't want or think I
should need to learn object oriented programming to communicate an
idea. I'm not against using a Fireworks (will take a look at it),
but for the purposes of communicating an idea, it doesn't have to be
perfect, just enough to get the programmers moving. 

Our work is about communication and making decisions on the
appropriate tools, not generating pixel perfect designs.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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