It's hard for an independent designer to get attention and showcase
his talents or design perspective. I give Dustin a lot of credit for
putting his work out there.  And, at first, when the initial response
from the AA employee came in, it was a kind of exciting example of how
real, productive conversations about real, frustrating design
challenges (including political, organizational challenges) can
emerge out of efforts like Dustin's. In retrospect, it was unwise
for the employee to allow the verbatim text of his email to be
published. And, while it's not surprising or even "wrong" that the
employee was terminated, it really is a shame that something that
started with good intentions ended badly. I'm sure that Dustin feels
terrible about the outcome.

But Dustin is not the first / only person to critique or redesign a
public site as a way of getting attention. In fact, I just ran across
these guys who critique homepages to showcase their commenting tool:

To some, Dustin's idea might seem presumptuous and naive, and his
work is very easy to dismiss as being unencumbered by the internal
realities at AA. I think that's a fair criticism. But that doesn't
mean it isn't worth mentioning, discussing, considering on a board
like this. If nothing else, it's interesting that the whole event
got so much attention...

Todd: The AA employee didn't "post to a public forum," he sent an
email to Dustin and then foolishly allowed it to be published
anonymously. AA then searched its Exchange logs for the text in order
to identify and fire him. Also, I fail to see what any of this has to
to with the AA "business model." Dustin well understood the
business but ignored the political obstacles in the way of creating a
purely user-centric In my experience, a company's internal
politics often cause it to act in contravention of it's obvious
business interests.  

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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