Sorry Chris but I can't see anywhere where you say that the streams work
on your SC PC using a normal software music player (I don't know what
the equivalnet if Windows Media Player on Linux is). Do they?

I've had very strange (and difficult to diagnose) problems with both
the SC iPlayer plugin live asx feeds and Listen again asx feeds. I
found that between 7 and 9 oclock in the evening all my Listen Again
streams stuttered whilst constantly rebuffering. The same stremas
played fine at the same time on my software player. With help I tracked
this dow to my ISPs attempts to bandwdith shape and th unrecognised
identity presented by a SQueezebox (yup, that's what they said!). The
ISP, PlusNet cured the problem within two days of being told about it.

I have never been able to play the iPlayer live streams on any of my
Squeeze devices. The streams just don't appear to start. There seems to
be some problem with the format of the BBC playlists (see attached
example) which reference a number of individual streams. If I copied a
single stream out of the BBC playlist it worked fine.  At the beginning
of the issue Windows Media Player could not play the BBC iPlayer
playlists either... but that appeared to change at some point and now
it can (and yes, I have no idea why).

It might be worth trying just one of the individual streams from the
playlist? Clutching at straws I know.... especially as you are
convinced it's an asx issue (whereas I could play all other asx radio
stations with no trouble).


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