On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:39 PM,
GeeJay<geejay.3w7mon1249080...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com> wrote:
> I think it's pointless to debate if there are sufficient incidences to
> warrant action; there is a bug report, and if enough people vote for it
> then attention will be paid.  So far, there are only 5 votes, and that
> just ain't enough to get the issue addressed.

Incorrect.  A bug report does not need to get votes to get addressed.
It's just one way that paid Logitech coders and volunteer coders may
assess a bug's credibility and/or severity.

Plenty of people stream FLAC all the time to a Boom (myself included)
over wireless.  The OP's problem is surely real, but to leap to the
assumption that it is a firmware issue is better left to people who
have actually worked with the firmware.

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