mherger;284344 Wrote: 
> Who says the tar ball was complete? There are dependencies which have
> to be fulfilled. This can't be managed using a tar ball.

Sorry about not being precise enough.  Obviously you are correct that
there are still some dependencies when using this tar ball--like an
appropriate version of Perl!  The tar ball does supply its own modules,
its own MySQL, etc., so not that many distro-specific issues it appears
to me.  I presume that is the point of having this installation

I was referring to the CPAN modules, as my understanding from reading
documentation and code was that all required modules are in the tar
ball.  The code (via loadModules() in rejects
the tar ball supplied Compress::Zlib module.  If you can tell me how
this is caused by running Mandriva I would appreciate it, because as I
said, I am very new to Perl (and modules look like yet another fine
library version mess).  I mean this sincerely, as similar issues seem
likely to arise with each update, so whatever I can learn from this so
much the better.  I probably should also file a bug report?  The reason
this problem was not obvious is that nothing gets logged from the error.
I haven't looked too deeply at this, but I think the scanner runs in a
subprocess and the print statements (stdout) must be redirected (to
like /dev/null).  Not very useful when scanner dies and writes nothing
to its log file (and yes, logging was set to debug level).  The only
message would be from plain old print statements (followed by exit).


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