As someone who has worked on computing helpdesks I kind of feel sorry
for those people as they can't really win. They get shouted at by
people that don't know what they are talking about and want it fixed
but don't want to help them fix it. They get shouted at by experts who
may know as much about the system as the helpdesk because they think
the helpdesk don't take them serious.

I can recount many stories of users ringing in complaining of computers
or terminals where they can't log in. You ask them what they see on
screen and they say they can't see where to put in the password. After
much prompting you get the idea that the screen is black. You ask them
if they have switched it on and they swear blind that they have. You
ask them if they see the little red light which of course they can't.
You ask them if it is plugged in and the plug is switch on. The insist
it is, they checked. You go around to them, switch the plug on and
amazingly there is the login prompt.

The first rule of faulting always used to be understand the problem.
Then understand the current state. With complex systems (and SC is one)
get it into as close to a known state as you can and fault from there.
One step at a time. 

The OP found it unacceptable that they wanted to do that because he
didn't want to lose settings but the helpdesk have no idea if it was
precisely those settings and plugins that were causing the issue. Log
files, where he found his answer, don't always tell the truth or rather
can sometimes be misleading and you are faulting from an unknown state.
Disaster debugging, which starts with an unknown state, is very very
hard work.

So I just want to say to anyone give the helpdesks a chance. Yes they
sometimes ask you to do things you know have no effect but they are
working the problem eliminating things one by one. You'd be surprised
how many times those things actually work, it is very easy to overlook
the obvious. And don't forget many users don't have the knowledge of
the people around here and need that level of support.

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