ncarver;284555 Wrote: 
> Hmm.  Never heard of DLL hell, eh?  Before you get too smug about how
> easy it is to provide software for Windows you might want to have a
> look at
> If you've never installed software on Windows only to have other
> software break as a result, then you cannot have done much with
> Windows.  There are library dependencies there too, just less variation
> in installs (but Linux/UNIX has always handled multiple library versions
> better).
> You might also want to look at the somewhat difficult history of
> providing Perl on Windows:
> Finally, a "tar ball" is just an archive--i.e., a zip file.  Never
> downloaded a zip file that you had to extract a program from?  Again,
> nothing really different here, except names and formats.  Ultimately
> more an issue of whether it is worth training support personnel.

With all due respect, I think you are missing the point.  Regardless of
the relative technical merits of Windows vs. various Linux variants, to
best serve its market Logitech must best support the platforms with the
largest market shares.  Additionally, scale economies make it more
efficient to support the more prevalent platform than the less
prevalent one.  Given this, Logitech's approach to this makes good
financial sense.

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