On Sat, 2010-04-17 at 14:23 -0700, orokusaki wrote:

> 4) The attitude projected at developers gives the idea that Django is
> for the core team only, and that users are graced with the ability to
> use Django. While the contribution is much appreciated, the attitude
> is harmful to the core team and to the user base.

You might like to consider the fact that this is not at all the
"attitude" I see.

What I see is a group of people working very hard and holding themselves
to very high standards. In such a situation I would expect that I too
would have to meet those standards were I to wish any contribution I
might make to be included in their work ("work" in the sense of "a

That is a challenge I would love to have the time for, but I don't. So
where I find that Django either has issues or fails to meet my needs, I
work around the problems in other ways. I might well file a ticket here
and there, and even a patch if I have one that might be useful, but
"inclusion straight into trunk" is not the only way a patch can be
useful. I'm certainly not going to try to tell them that they should be
doing things my way - and if I did want to, I wouldn't expect to get
anywhere with your current tactic.

This thread is distracting energy that could be better spent, so I'm
going to leave it at that, and would suggest that others do too.



Nick Phillips / +64 3 479 4195 / nick.phill...@otago.ac.nz
# these statements are my own, not those of the University of Otago

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