On Apr 15, 8:57 pm, Kevin Howerton <kevin.hower...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The level of resistance I see to change or outsider code contribution
> is an enormous de-motivator for people (like me) to want to make any
> contributions in the first place.  Why should I contribute a patch to
> your flawed architecture if I'm going to be talked down to, ridiculed,
> then eventually have the patch rejected because it breaks code in some
> edge-use-case?

Good luck pushing backwards incompatible patches when as we speak
there are almost 400 open tickets with patches at accepted [1] and
"ready for checkin" [2] stage. Under these circumstances, backwards
compatibility is almost a red herring; the bigger issue IMO is the
increasing pile of bug fixes and solid, backwards compatible patches
languishing for months or years.

A fork that encouraged and achieved a faster submit-review-accept-
commit lifecycle, even with the same stability, maturity, and
longevity policies, could be a breath of fresh air.




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