Ron Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Don, and anyone else on the list whom I may have offended.
I was not try to offend anyone, or suggest anyone is not correct in statements about being careful with cleaners on the wafers and or how to clean up after a screwup.

In my mind it only makes sense to try something that someone suggests may work which requires virtually no effort and is guaranteed to not do further harm before trying still more fixes. Your decision. Let us know what you do and how it turns out.

I was not alive in the 50s. My experience was in the late 80s with a similar product to DeOxit which stated on the spray can that it was "safe" on all materials. I did not want to suggest "self healing" with time and heat as I do not know if DeOxit will dry from the wafers like the stuff I had. I would still be a bit worried, but to try drying is a very inexpensive if it works.


On Sun, 8 Jan 2006, Jason Buchanan wrote:

I was lucky years ago with "self healing" (drying of wafers) from spray

Well, when the guy told me that he did this I thought he was nuts but his
explanation for not being "worried" was that the material in the Drake rigs
was not as spongy/porous like the old stuff used in TV sets in the 50s.  He
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