On Sat, 31 Dec 2011 13:55:06 -0500 (EST), L L bahr wrote:

> I look at modifying a Drake rig like taking a Stanley Steamer, removing it's 
> boiler and installing a Corvette engine in it. 

Maybe you wouldn't put a 'vette engine in it, but I'd bet a dollar that you
would set a stadium cushion on the seat to soften your ride a bit....  ;)

> I just look at modifying a Drake rig as showing no appreciation of years gone 
> bye technology.  If someone wants to improve something, go out and buy a new 
> 2012 rig and modify/destroy it.

And I can still remember when is wasn't uncommon for hams to spend hours
tuning, tweaking, and yes, making modifications to their gear (whether homebrew
or store-bought) so they could put the best possible signal on the air. This is
just an extension of that, and arguably part of the basis and purpose of
Amateur Radio. And besides that, it's FUN! Aside from that, which one of us
hasn't replaced a 2-wire power cord with 3-wire, or (to stray off-topic a bit)
opearated an AC/DC set through an isolation transformer? Those are mods, too.

If Bob Drake modded his C-Line, would it still be a Drake...?



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Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.S.A.
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