Bolla Péter wrote:
Also I would oppose any server specific solution, IMAP is a quite well followed standard, afaik.

Absolutely agreed on that one.

(So both read and write the mails throug IMAP, without any direct file access. Some IMAP servers don't even let you access the files directly.)

Worth knowing, Seems odd; I thought most MTAs would expect to drop into Maildir directly rather than via an IMAP server.

In any case I'll keep all the parts separate. The web UI, if I go down that route, will just talk IMAP; getting the mail from quarantine into it will be separate.

Kenneth Marshall wrote:
One of the advantages of the current DSPAM quarantine is that the
ham/spam messages are not delivered to the production mail system
unless released by the user. [...] I guess that one idea
would be to have a separate IMAP server for the DSPAM UI.

Certainly the way I see it, whether or not IMAP is used for the quarantine, the quarantine will still be a separate place from the normal mailbox. IMAP would just be a standard interface into it.

Regarding the performance of the UI. The activity plots are nice,
but they parse the entire logfile each time they are built. It
would be nice to cache just the information for the display for
historical data to avoid the need to re-read the logfile over and
over. This would allow us to keep the daily activity for a longer
period without impacting the display update time.

The log files are a particular area of interest for me for this reason, but I've not found a good way to improve them yet. The obvious thing to me would be to drop logs into a database using something like rsyslog, but that's too big a change to expect sysadmins to do just for installing a web UI.

Mark Rogers // More Solutions Ltd (Peterborough Office) // 0845 45 89 555
Registered in England (0456 0902) at 13 Clarke Rd, Milton Keynes, MK1 1LG

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