Ok, I had a look at doing Maildir delivery, and it can be done quite
easily without modifying the dspam code.  We just need to specify a
QuarantineAgent in dspam.conf.

I've knocked together a quick perl script that will do the trick.  See
you can use it by specifying QuarantineAgent as below:

QuarantineAgent "/var/spool/dspam/dspam-quarantine.pl %u"

At the moment it assumes dspam is configured for Domain Scale.  It also
assumes that a users data directory exists before it is called - I'm not
100% sure that this is a valid assumption.

any thoughts?

Alex Tomlins wrote:
> Forgot to copy the list....  See below.
> Alex Tomlins wrote:
>> Mark Rogers wrote:
>>> Alex Tomlins wrote:
>>>> By database I was thinking whatever database backend dspam was
>>>> using (hash, mysql, postgres etc.), not specifically a RDBMS. 
>>>> While implementing this it would make sense to put the user logs in
>>>> there as well.  The advantage to doing this is that all the data
>>>> for dspam would be in one place as opposed to the current setup
>>>> where some of it is in a database, and some of it is on the
>>>> filesystem.
>>> OK, I see your point. However, I'm not sure suited how well a hash
>>> database would be for storing quarantine emails - or, for that
>>> matter, even a RDBMS. Logging to a RDBMS would be helpful given how
>>> much processing we do of dspam log files, but in most cases that can
>>> be improved simply through better ways of handling the text files.
>>> I'm strongly of the opinion that mbox is horrible, but which
>>> alternative is best I'm open to suggestion on.
>> I agree with that sentiment..  Personally I'd just replace it with a
>> Maildir.  This should require minimal changes to dspam (and could
>> even be added as a config option).  It also has the bonus that you
>> can clear out old messages just using the mtime (which can be done
>> with a single find command).  It might also be possible to use
>> symlinks so that the maildir is actually a subfolder of a users
>> mailbox, and can then be accessed via IMAP (I know Courier-imap is
>> fine with adding messages to other folders as well as the inbox).
>> If there is a better option for the log files, then it should be fine
>> to leave them where they are.
>> Actually, using maildir would enable much more fine grained expunging
>> methods, where you could for example expunge all spam over 90%
>> confidence after 7 days, over 75% in 14 days, 60% in 30 days etc...
>> I like that idea.  I might even have a look at the code for that. 
>> Now that DJB has put qmail in the public domain it should be simple
>> enough to pull the Maildir delivery code out of there.
>> Alex

Alex Tomlins

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who finish what they started

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