2012/3/18 Chris Morley <chrisinnana...@hotmail.com>:
>> If I would do what you suggest and put my changes directly in the hal file,
>> then every change I make in pncconf would require me to manually re-merge
>> my custom changes.  AFAIK, the recommended approach for custom hal via
>> pncconf is custom.hal (and custom_postgui.hal), and that is where I have my
>> custom stuff.  If the sourcing obfuscates things I apologize, but I don't
>> know a better way to keep configurations relatively modular and still use
>> pncconf.  For what it is worth, I believe in the future pncconf is going to
>> use the source command as well for this purpose.
> I think the biggest problem here Scott is the most experienced users / 
> developers
> don't use PNCconf and few use the advanced features you are using.
> It is considerably easier to debug a problem if the config is similar to
> what they have usually seen.

Thanks, that is what I tried to explain.
Scott, whatever way You get Your machine to work the way You need it,
is perfect.
My point is that You should be aware - it is hard for anybody else
(like me) to step in and find, what might be wrong there, if You have
set things up in a different manner.
Just like Chris mentioned, aliasing amd sourcing is something I have
never seen, so my first suggestion, when I looked at Your config was:
the problem is that analog-in.hal is not specified in INI file, so it
is not loaded at all.

2012/3/18 Scott Hasse <scott.ha...@gmail.com>:
> I have tried to explain several times why I want a software-based encoder:
>  1) Eventually I will want more analog inputs.  2) Without a custom
> firmware I cannot align the encoder with optically isolated I/O.
>  Additionally I'd like to try and build a solution that I can document for
> anyone to use regardless of specialized hardware.

Some of available firmwares can have 8 encoder modules. 3 are used for
servos, so You have 5 left for analog inputs.
I myself am creating those flat ribbon cables by cutting of the length
I need and then attaching the connectors. And one thing I have learned
- it is easy to create a custom cable, where pins are rearranged as
needed (attach each 50-pin connector to a separate piece of cable and
then solder them in the middle pin by pin in the required order so
that isolated inputs from 7i37 go directly to each encoder module).

> Yes of course.  But as far as I can tell there is no stock bitfile that
> allows me to run my three main servos and encoders, isolated I/O for limit,
> etstop, etc. along with isolated I/O for a number of other encoders, a
> non-isolated stepgen and still make use of the Mesa servo controller card
> and isolated I/O daughterboard with their specific set of input and output
> pins.

And why not? For example, SVST8_4 firmware:
4 encoders and 4 pwmgens on connector P2 - for Your servos
4 encoders on connector P3 - use them for analog in, remaining are gpio pins
4 stepgens on connector P4 - 4 stepgens
Connect 7i37 to P3, rearrange the pins in the cable, going to 7i37, so
that 4 inputs go to each of encoders, remaining 12 inputs go to GPIO
pins (for limits etc), which are available there, if only 4 or less
pwmgens are loaded. And that is it. You still have pwmgens and encoder
modules for servos, stepgens on another connector and 4 encoders along
with 12 gpio pins on third connector for 7i37's 16 optoisolated

Scott, I am just trying to show, that it is doable. I am not trying to
convince You to do it only and exactly this way by any means.
Well, ok, I am trying to convince You to _try out_ using encoder
module on Mesa card, so that You know, how both options are working
and then You can make much better decision, which solution to choose.


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