
> My understanding is that the simple and most well-traveled approach for
> servo systems with Mesa hardware is to use pncconf.  If you have a
> recommendation for a simpler or stupider solution I am certainly open to
> it.  Personally I have found pncconf to be invaluable and just to clarify,
> I have not modified the ini or main hal file beyond that generated by
> pncconf.  So if you have a problem with the aliasing, etc. that is an issue
> with that tool and certainly not of my implementation.
You are using an older version of PNCconf that uses aliasing.
The soon to be released does not. Lots of people already use 2.5 and wouldn't
know why aliasing is there (there was a technical barrier that some one since 
actually i bet most people don't know what aliasing does :)

> If I would do what you suggest and put my changes directly in the hal file,
> then every change I make in pncconf would require me to manually re-merge
> my custom changes.  AFAIK, the recommended approach for custom hal via
> pncconf is custom.hal (and custom_postgui.hal), and that is where I have my
> custom stuff.  If the sourcing obfuscates things I apologize, but I don't
> know a better way to keep configurations relatively modular and still use
> pncconf.  For what it is worth, I believe in the future pncconf is going to
> use the source command as well for this purpose.
Nothing wrong with what you are doing- again PNCconf sometimes does things a 
different. The 'source' command is little known - In fact the newest PNCconf
does use the source command. If one writes an hand written config or edits a 
they would never know the command exists.

I think the biggest problem here Scott is the most experienced users / 
don't use PNCconf and few use the advanced features you are using.
It is considerably easier to debug a problem if the config is similar to
what they have usually seen.

That being said If you so choose to do as you want - even if it's perceived as 
the hardway
lets try to get to the real problem.
I think in the next message you hit the solution.
 hm2_<BoardType>.<BoardNum>.read_gpio  must be in the base thread.
this allows the GPIO pins to be read on a faster thread
This is not a common usage.
See the man page on hostmot2 (very end)

Chris M

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