2012/3/17 Scott Hasse <scott.ha...@gmail.com>:
> With respect to "messing it up", the hal and ini file are as they are
> directly generated from pncconf.

It just makes difficult for any observer to understand, what is going on there.

> The source simply does an input and I am
> doing that to keep the configuration modular.  I run various configurations
> on this machine, and can pick and choose configurations by sourcing
> different sub-hal files in the custom hal.

Specifying to load analog-in.hal directly in INI file would do the
same - You can always comment out that line, if that file should not
be loaded at a particular moment and uncomment another line to load
another HAL file instead. Using custom.hal just adds unnecessary
If it works and You understand it - very good. But remember that if
You will ever want somebody else to understand it, then it can cause
frustration. I think that in situations like this it is best to stick
to KISS principle (Keep It Simple and Stupid).

2012/3/17 Scott Hasse <scott.ha...@gmail.com>:
>> But this is really really wasteful
> Presuming my PC can handle a reasonable base-thread rate, is it really
> wasteful of a scarce resource?

AFAIK having or not having a base thread - yes, it can make a
difference in the realtime performance of Your PC. If I recall
correctly, You had set base-thread to 10000 ns. I am 100% sure that
You are getting realtime error messages.

> It seems if I want to use a "real" encoder counter given my configuration
> I'll need a custom 5i23 firmware?

That is what I told since the very beginning - use encoder module in 5i23...
You have loaded 4 pwmgens and 4 encoders and are using only 3 of them.
So You a spare encoder module to attach the frequency input to.

BTW why do You have 4 stepgens loaded, if You use only one?
That also is a little waste of resources :) If You would load 1
stepgen, then those pins, currently occupied by 3 unused stepgen
instances would be available as gpio pins.

Here is a small table with several fimwares listed. Installing 5i23
firmware package from LinuxCNC repository (I suspect that You already
did that) should provide You with them:

As You can see, there are bitfiles, that offer 8 encoder modules along
with pwmgens and stepgens.


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