On Tue, 09 Apr 2013 17:11:00 -0400, you wrote:

>On Tue, Apr 9, 2013, at 05:04 PM, Steve Blackmore wrote:
>> On Tue, 09 Apr 2013 19:18:13 +0200, you wrote:
>> >I tried your value, and it seem you are really close to the max 
>> >frequency drive for the stepper.
>> Claude - if that were so it would not work with identical settings under
>> Mach3. Same step frequency, same drivers same PC same everything.
>It might be close to the limits of the EMC step pulse generator (which 
>aren't neccessarily the same as those of the Mach step pulse generator).
>Personally I think that is unlikely, but the test is relatively 
>You could reduce by just a factor of two instead of ten, the key is to
>drop it by a significant factor on both systems and see if the difference
>is still there.  If the misbehavior is still there, that pretty much rules out
>step generator limits.

Hi John - if I reduce the feed by 50% and the acceleration by 50% it
still does it. The router maximum reliable rate is 5200mm/min and is
devalued to 4000 for a margin of safety. PC only has a worse latency of
around 6500.

The router can and does manage the 3600 mm/min feed easily in both mach
and LinuxCNC, but slows horribly on line to arc or arc to line
transitions in LinuxCNC. Arc to arc is ok, as is line to line?

Steve Blackmore

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