On 10 April 2013 15:01, Daniel Rogge <dro...@tormach.com> wrote:

> Running LCNC 2.5, copy the sim/axis config to your local configs, then change 
> the max_acceleration for axis 0, 1, and 2  to 1.0 (previously 100):
> MAX_ACCELERATION =              1.0

> (1" square with rounded corners)
> G90 G54 G20
> G64
> G0 X0 Y.25 Z0
> G1 Y.75 F50
> G2 X.25 Y1 I.25

This is not the same test, as far as I can see.

For an arc move the acceleration is v^2 / r, or put another way, the
max velocity in an arc is sqrt(a * r)

So, in this case, with a 1/4" radius and a 1"/s^2 acceleration the max
velocity possible is 0.5"/s or 30in/min.

So, you would expect some slow-down on the corners, but not as much as
is being seen.

The next limit to consider is that LinuxCNC will always try to stay
within its "stopping distance" due to limited lookahead.

The quarter-circles are 0.39in long. To stop at the end of that path
segment the entry speed has to be less than 52in/min so the limit
isn't there.

I think that there are two issues being reported here. The first is
that arcs run slower than lines, and I think that might be due to the
acceleration limits.

The second is a speed glitch passing between line segments and arc
segments. This remains unexplained, and I see it in sims too.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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