On Tuesday 11 March 2014 11:40:24 Erik Christiansen did opine:

> On 11.03.14 07:16, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Then the MRI they took on my lower back Friday is so bad they may as
> > well just take me out and shoot me.  Don't get old guys, its not for
> > wimps but the back pain is turning me into one anyway. Sigh.  Its
> > this stuff that keeps me out of the bars!
> When ordinary pain killers don't do anything any more, here in Aus they
> give you morphine patches. OK, you work your way up through the dosages
> with time, and they'll give you [un]funny dreams in the higher dosages,
> but being able to move is usually worth it. A back op, if possible,
> isn't without risk, but can do wonders. (mostly)
> Hope you find some decent treatment in that healthcare desert over
> there.
> Erik

I can find it, and some of it would even be $$ covered, but the way they go 
in is from in front, roll your innards out of the way and work from the 
inside as there is much less muscular structure to cut thru so the disk can 
be replaced.  And they would need a full carton of disks. 

So this is not exactly a medical desert, you just need to find the right 
Dr. and make him a friend.  This one I've been seeing for about 4 or 5 
years now, we got into a verbal fight the first time we met but since then 
he and I talk, about lots of common interests.  And tease each other about 
digging our graves with our mouths because we both have "bay windows".  I 
want him around to treat me till is the theory...

But, there are also arterial plaques in the aorta an inch away that do not 
want to be disturbed for obvious reasons.  It would be a lot safer if I can 
figure out how to get my HDL to be the majority component of my cholesterol 
as that would gradually clear those deposits out, carrying them to the 
liver for filtering and eventual excretion.  HDL was in the 40's which 
isn't too bad considering it was only 11 25 years ago, but for this to work 
in say a year, would probably need to go up, way up.

They have meds for that, the question is can I tolerate them?

The doc tried to put me on Mevacor 30 years ago and that was both very 
painful from overall muscle pain, and from what that doc said, was hard on 
my liver.  When he heard about the muscle pain I was advised to stop it 
instantly as it was a precursor to a full blown lethal reaction.  I did and 
the pain subsided in about 2 weeks and I've not taken a statin since.

But I have no clue how the HDL raising stuff, relatively new & damned 
pricey, works.  Apparently not the same as the rest of the "statins" like 
Lipitor et all.

There will be discussions as to how we proceed when my Dr. has had a chance 
to study & make recommendations. He's a good doc, does his homework well. 
Then we argue... But we haven't had a talk yet.

Being also a DM type 2, statistically I am a decade, maybe more past my 
expiration date, so that will no doubt enter into the discussion too in all 
too clearly stated speech.  And we're good about it that way.

You know, this hasn't a thing to do with making swarf... :)

Cheers, Gene
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