On 3/11/2014 10:27 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:

> But, there are also arterial plaques in the aorta an inch away that do not
> want to be disturbed for obvious reasons.

Start popping Coenzyme Q10 aka CoQ10, Qunol brand. My 75 year old father 
takes that and it's helped a lot, especially after a triple bypass and a 
stent. Docs said his arteries are good but were undersized and rather 
twisty in his heart.

Some people cannot take statins at all. Look up statin myopathy. Causes 
nerve and muscle damage.

One side effect/symptom of statin intolerance can be constipation and 
very stinky farts. They'll also give some people cancer. One of my aunts 
got intestinal cancer from Lipitor, had a couple of feet of guts removed 
and she was lucky the football sized tumor had only surrounded but not 
invaded her descending aorta. They gave her 20 units of blood during the 
operation. Been cancer free for some years now.

Creatine monohydrate, a common muscle builder used by body builders, in 
significantly lower doses than they use, will help repair damage in most 
muscle tissue, including the heart. Follow the same on and off schedule 
as when used for bodybuilding, don't take the creatine continuously. 
Don't bother with types other than the monohydrate, they're less 
effective because they break down and excrete faster.

Creatine is one of the beneficial and vital chemical compounds in red 
meat, so are the B vitamins humans' omnivore biochemistry cannot produce.

What set me firmly against a vegetarian or vegan diet was an article I 
read in a medical journal about a doctor (who should have known better, 
must have failed biochem!) who was a strict vegan and suddenly started 
having symptoms of early onset dementia. Fortunately there was a fresh 
out of school doctor who recognized the symptoms of B vitamin deficiency 
(apparently remembered his biochem classes) and gave him a big B-complex 
shot. Unfortunately for the vegan doc, his "healthy" diet gave him some 
permanent brain damage and he was unable to continue medical practice. 
The experienced doctors never thought to check for vitamin deficiencies, 
even after learning the patient was eating a strict vegan diet, because 
in the USA they never see such things since so much food is processed 
and spiked with vitamins.

A truly healthy diet is one that matches our chemistry and physiology. 
IMHO, any parent feeding their kids a vegan or vegetarian diet should be 
charged with child abuse, even if they're also giving them vitamin 

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