On Sun, 30 Mar 2014, Florian Rist wrote:

> Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 18:42:57 +0200
> From: Florian Rist <fr...@fs.tum.de>
> Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>     <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Improvised DC Motor Controll using Mesa 7i39?
> Hi Andy
>> You just need to drive the 3-phase PWM pins in the right
>> way. Basically set up the DC motor exactly the same as the
>> other motors, but don't use the bldc component. You need a
>> scale component to create a negative copy of the PID output.
>> Then drive two of the 7i39 phases with the positive and
>> negative PID.
> Sounds difficult (for me)...
> Would leaving the encoder feedback and the PID away simplify things. I'd
> be perfectly happy with the PWM signal only, as long as I can set the
> ration by a G-Code command.
> See you
> Flo

Its all pretty simple

for +-24V drive (assuming a 24V power supply)

connect DC motor leads to 7I39 A and B outputs and then set 3pwmgen A-value to 
desired PWM and 3 pwmgen B-value to -desired PWM (you will need the scale comp 
to get the -desired PWM)

If +-12V is enough, you connect dc motor leads to 7I39 A and B outputs 
and then set 3pwmgen A-value to desired PWM and set 3 pwmgen B-value to 0

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Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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