On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 2:25 AM, Christopher Michael
<cpmicha...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On 10/28/11 22:23, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 22:46:55 +0200 Cedric BAIL<cedric.b...@free.fr>  said:
>> i'll post here as a summary. what k-s wants is to just release e17-as is 
>> after
>> fixing some efm bugs. who agrees with that? everything stays as-is.
> Sorry, cannot say that I agree. While e17 may be Close to release, to
> put it 'out' now is premature imo. There are still a few things that
> need fixing and/or ironing out.

As pointed out in the past few years (2-3?) not much changed. From an
external PoV we seem stalled. I get this feedback all the time from
users that say "Hey, are you dead? Checked svn last week and looks
like 2 years ago! IF you're not changing, why don't you release?"

We're there for a while. Just few developers did not notice that.

>> the reason xrandr is on the todo is that there are many complaints and
>> questions about how to get multi screen to work and we have no solution.
>> the reason taskbar is there is because engage is compositing based 
>> realistically
>> and we have to work without, and we again have had enough users complain and
>> ask for a way to switch tasks.
> What about the taskbar module ? Anyone know it's current 'status' ? Is
> it usable for the average person ? Are there some issues remaining ? Are
> they simple bug fixes ?? I'd lean more toward including it (rather than
> engage) for the simple fact that taskbar does not 'require' compositing,
> and severs the purpose for the 'average joe'.
>> the reason efm is on the list is its mostly working and usable as a simple
>> filemanager - that was its point. it needs some bugs fixed.
>> the reason keymap config is there is for all those europeans (and a few 
>> others)
>> with odd keymaps and people have no clue how to configure this on a
>> command-line or in config files. the other todo items could get dropped, 
>> though
>> theme does need to be polished.
>> this wasnt unilaterally decided by me. i believe in making a good attempt at 
>> a
>> quality release. gustavo just believes in dumping out whatever we have.
> This is where gustavo and I disagree. I'm w/ you raster...would rather
> have a quality product to release, rather than taking the
> short/quick/easy way out and just 'release what we have'. If we take the
> later route and just release things 'as they are', then we could end up

we're the opposite of premature. We're OVERDUE.

> getting a reputation of premature release (gnome3, unity, and other such
> junk)...which I (for one) would rather avoid.

Man, I'd like to get 1% of what you say is a "reputation of premature
release" if you mean GNOME3 and Unity.

And they are now about to release new versions, with actual user
complains fixed not some random findings as we do. Voting bugs +
active research of most complained features, we can't  do later as
there is nothing to base on.

We lack a number to be reference. When people say GNOME3 is buggy and
GNOME3.1 is out, people try again and if it's fixed you'll know as
there are no complaints linking both. Right now we have "e17" and it
means nothing. It could be last year, last week or today. We can't
find if the mentioned bugs were fixed or not, etc.

> Better to take the extra time and get things right.

We took years, things ARE right. Just need to acknowledge that.  If
you fail to see things are right now, you'll fail to see they are
right next year, month or decade, no matter how right they are.

> Oh I know I will get the "He's just in
> raster's camp anyway" people/complaints...and I'm fine with that simply
> because it's the right way to go about it. Why release something that is
> incomplete/half-arsed ??

Because no software is ever complete. No software is ever bugfree.
We're actually one of the most bugfree DM out there.

We are not "something that is incomplete/half-arsed". Sorry.

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
http://profusion.mobi embedded systems
MSN: barbi...@gmail.com
Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (19) 9225-2202

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