
On Fri, 2014-01-24 at 23:05, Andrew F wrote:
> I have to agree with David's post.
> We chose you over other options because of the BSD license.  It gave us
> legal protections we could no get with LGPL.
> BSD Allows start ups to raise funds. Why? because investors are not going
> to fund a company that can't protects its code.
> Remember there is no legal ambiguity with the BSD license and plenty with
> the LGPL.  And Legal ambiguity is the kiss of death for investors.
> With success, funds can be donated back to the base project when using a
> BSD license.
> To be honest... I think you cut your nuts off.   You could have focused on
> marketing your
> professional consulting services or development services and raised funds
> that way.
> You could also have modified the licensee or added a commercial license.
> QT seems to be doing very well.
> You could have also been genuine and simply asked for financial
> assistance.   You could have had fund raisers, on line or in person.
> BSD unix makes it annual budget with on-line fund raising.
> And when I say give back after the fact, its not lip service.  Not only did
> we intend to give back to e17/e18/3x but
> we have budgeted for it.  In fact we have added LINE ITEMS on our budget to
> cover quarterly donations for open source code that we use.
> And it makes scene for us.  Open source developers develop the base product
> and we put a functional and good looking wrapper on it for end
> users.  Open source teams do what they do well, which is develop core
> technologies, and we do what we do well, sell and market.
> ( and build functional and good looking wrappers)
> So,  what do we do now?   Find a new desktop?  But we have been working on
> e17 /e18
> for a while....   Our second choice was QT as they have a commercial
> license.
> On top of finding a new desktop, now I have to adjust our budgets.  I have
> to take out a line item.
> Not a happy camper.

In a nutshell you say that you did not correctly read our copyright
notices and now have a problem. Which in your eyes makes it our fault.

You have to understand that if your business goes well or not and if
you will be the one out of ten startups that actually survive long
enough to even consider giving something back is not really something
we as an FOSS project have to care about. We over your around a
million lines of code (efl + elm +e) which we as private persons or
other comapnies invested millions for of man years in for free. You
can take and make your products and get rich by selling them. Bringing
up such a business for getting rich brings its risks. Natural.

Telling other people that they should use a BSD style license to make
_your_ life and risk management easier is not going to win you

Stefan Schmidt

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