On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 2:09 PM 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

>> None of the identical copies becomes separate people until one of them
>> sees something the others do not, because after that they are no longer
>> identical
> * > That's an exaggeration.  There are many things that will differentiate
> the copies other than what they see. *

Many things other than the external environment? Many things? Random
quantum variations is the only thing I can think of.

> > *The interesting question is whether things that are subconscious
> count...something he felt but only remembered feeling much later?*

If it was felt by one and not the other then they are no longer identical.

> > *a flea bite he didn't notice?*

If it was not noticed then they remain identical

*> but only remembered feeling much later?*

If it is remembered by one but not the other then they can no longer be

> >
> * I don't think consciousness is the unitary thing that is implicitly
> assumed on this forum. *

I don't' think survival is a all or nothing matter either.

 John K Clark


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