Apply this to your own very active philosophy. Let us say that "you" are 
resurrected from the cold in the late 22nd century? The technicians of this 
later age, state upon your awakening: "Mr. Clark, the way science advanced over 
the years since your demise, demonstrated that to get you back to life, the 
easiest track to achieve was to scan the cold preserved brain of one, John 
Clark, and though the entire cortical data map of his life was available, the 
way we do things, the only way currently, is to build him a separate body, 
based on a very young clone of him, and transferred all data, memories, etc.
Now, JC, is that clone, you??!! For me, it seems like it's Robert Nozick's, 
Closest Continuer. Physicist Sean Carroll would say that person wasn't you. My 
own feeling is like Nozick's, which is best expressed by the old American 
statement: "Close enough for government work."
Now I simply must add this part in. "Mister Clark, we know that you have ever 
been a loyal liberal, and pursuant to this knowledge, we must warn you that the 
Earth is now the polity of Donald the Golden, recently, resurrected from the 
infrared of the past light cone about earth's orbit. We have provided a very 
nice residence on Mars Terrarium, Magnus Tharsis, where you will be welcomed.  
Unless, of course you choose to remain here, where you will have the 
opportunity to kiss The Donald's ring!..  Armipotens dudum celebrari praeter in 
Socialās ex timore! :-D

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2020 7:01 am
Subject: Re: Probability in Everettian QM

On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 4:40 AM Bruno Marchal <> wrote:

> It has a perfectly clear referent,

If it were perfectly clear then why doesn't Bruno Marchal use the referent in 
Bruno Marchal's thought experiments rather than a personal pronoun? John Clark 
has been asking Bruno Marchal to do that for years but Bruno Marchal absolutely 

 > if you make precise if you talk about he first person “you” or about some 
 > third person view.

And as John Clark has been saying for years, if "you" is duplicated then there 
is no longer such a thing as "THE first person" there is only "A first person". 
John K Clark

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