How can I say this politely? Maybe I can't but I will try. 

I've had Denis' call to action on my desktop for more than 8-hours and
hardly no one has noticed. I gotta tell you I get more response to my
posting CERT messages than Denis does to critical issues. 

Either this list has dwindled to a dozen voices or there is a lot of you
that are ignoring this important issue. If there are 100 people on this
list and only 10 reply what message is sent to the Mandrake team? Do
they believe 90% of the users are satified? Or do they believe we don't

The only way the Mandrake group is going to listen to users is if our
voices are heard as a unit and not as a bunch of whining infants. We've
been invited to speak so let's speak! 

We have brilliant people on this list who know what they are talking
about and what they want: ISP's, IP's, beta testers, security people,
engineer's designer's, administrators, tech, analysists. These are the
folks that come to our rescue. They write the scripts. They share tips
and tricks. 

You know who you are! Where are you? Why aren't you speaking out? 

This isn't a perfect world and we're not going to get perfect software,
but I'd settle for a workable solution! This ship ain't sinking yet. 
Damn the torpeodoes, FULL speed ahead! 

Mandrake I want..

1- Handicap shortcuts on the Linux keyboard

2- A quicker, cleaner, and easier to understand install  




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